
Showing posts from March, 2021

Are you going to List your House for Sale near Seattle? Here are the Most Important Things you should do

People who are looking to put their properties for sale in Seattle definitely want an attractive price. But selling a property doesn't mean hiring the right broker only. Every property owner must follow some crucial steps to sell his property fast and at an excellent price. This blog lists some of these essential things. Clearing Dues Every homeowner has some amount of dues pending on his property. Maybe it is the house tax, water bill, electricity bill, etc. All the sellers have to show that no dues are pending on their property to the buyers. Please clear all the dues if you want to get a handsome amount on your property for sale in Seattle . Yes, you can ask for the buyers to clear these dues, but in this case, the buyers will deduct the amount from the total cost of the deal. It is also advised to keep all the receipts of dues clearance to show them at the closing time. Closing the Loan If you have any active loan on your property, it is mandatory to close it before li...